Process for Correction & Payment

In order to get your resume reviewed, just email it to me at: YourResumeImproved (at) I'll take a look at it and let you know if it needs updating, correcting, or improving. If it doesn't, no worries – no charge. If it does, I'll give you a synopsis of how it can be improved.

In order to get your resume reviewed and revised, email me the resume (or send me an approval to go ahead) and send your payment of $20 via PayPal to my account. Turn around time is 48 hours after payment is received.

After I've received payment, I'll correct and return your resume with corrections and explanations. If there is anything which is better explained face-to-face, or if you have any questions about the changes, we'll set up a time to speak via Skype.

Please note: Resumes are best sent in MS Word or Open Office formats. If possible, avoid sending me the document in .docx format.

Resume Correction